Tuesday, April 16, 2013

STS research position @ Goldsmiths

I just saw this job offer at Goldsmiths in London. Seems to fit perfectly for people working at the intersection of STS and surveillance studies... Here's a detailed description of the post, and here's a brief summary of the research project:
We have a research position available in Sociology at Goldsmiths, working on a new ERC funded programme (MISTS) which asks: Can Markets Solve Problems? The programme will draw together ideas from the recent Science and Technology Studies (STS) interest in markets, value and values, with long standing debates in the more policy oriented aspects of STS focused on problems and solutions. The research will involve ethnographic engagement with four fields in which markets have come to prominence in discussions of: security, health, the environment and education.

The programme will make available four research positions, one in each field. The first post will be focused on security and, in particular, attempts to build a market for ‘ethical’ security technologies.

The post will be full-time and last for 24 months initially (with the possibility of application for follow-on sub-projects). The successful applicant will become part of a vibrant community of STS researchers and sociologists. The deadline for applications is: 8th May, 2013.

Subsequent 2 year posts will be made available to research markets, problems and solutions in: health (2014), the environment (2015) and education (2016).

If you would like to know more about this post or the broader research programme, please contact Daniel Neyland: d.neyland@gold.ac.uk or look at the programme website here: http://www.gold.ac.uk/sociology/research/researchprojects/mists/

Applications can be made here: http://jobs.goldsmiths.ac.uk/fe/tpl_goldsmiths01.asp?s=hNwYvBGdQoFRwTtFol&jobid=83205,2334998756&key=71534218&c=545872544034&pagestamp=segdhwmkpqccigklxb

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