Friday, May 9, 2014

SAGE Encyclopedia on Surveillance

Right, so the blog has been quiet for some time now, but this one is in fact core business for our interests: SAGE is putting together an encyclopedia on surveillance, security and privacy. Sounds like an all-encompassing approach and they are still looking for contributors. Here's the full announcement:

Although surveillance has been dominating headlines with revelations by Edward Snowden that the NSA has been tracking phone calls worldwide, surveillance of citizens by their governments actually has been conducted for centuries.
Only now, with the advent of modern technologies, it has exponentially evolved so that today you can barely step out your door without being watched or recorded in some way. In addition to the political and security surveillance unveiled by the Snowden revelations, think about corporate surveillance: each swipe of your ID card to enter your office is recorded, not to mention your internet activity. Or economic surveillance: what you buy online or with a credit card is recorded and your trip to Wal-Mart is videotaped. Drive through a tollbooth, and your license plate is recorded. Simply walk down a city street, and your image is recorded again and again and again. Where does this begin and end? Don’t we have a right to privacy stipulated in the U.S. Constitution? Actually no, the right to privacy is not spelled out in the Constitution but rather has been interpreted by the Supreme Court. In all levels of social structure, from the personal to the political to the economic to the judicial, this encyclopedia will uncover and explain how surveillance has come to be an integral part of how our contemporary society operates, both here in the U.S. and worldwide. 

Published by SAGE Reference in 2016, the encyclopedia features approximately 700 entries organized A-Z across 4 volumes. The encyclopedia will be available in a choice of electronic or print formats. Each 1,000- to 5,000-word article will be signed by the contributor. The General Editor, who will be reviewing each submission to the project, is Dr. Bruce Arrigo, University of North Carolina, Charlotte. We are currently making assignments with a deadline of August 1, 2014. 

If you are interested in contributing to this cutting-edge reference, it is a unique opportunity to contribute to the contemporary literature, redefining sociological issues in today’s terms. Moreover, it can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. SAGE Publications offers an honorarium ranging from SAGE book credits for smaller articles up to a free set of the printed product for contributions totaling 10,000 words or more. The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step we will e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can select topics that best fit your expertise and interests. Additionally, Style and Submission Guidelines will be provided that detail article specifications. 

If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding reference with The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy, please contact me by the e-mail information below. Please provide your CV or a brief summary of your academic/publishing credentials in related disciplines. Thanks very much. Joseph Golson Author Manager

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